Why Do My Teeth Hurt at Night?


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By Kendra Blackman

Having a toothache can be frustrating. It can keep you up at night, make you toss and turn, and make you feel miserable. However, there are some things you can do to help relieve the pain and reduce the number of times you experience a toothache.

One of the most effective things you can do is brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day can help to reduce the chances of tooth decay. Also, flossing can help remove food particles that may have gotten stuck between your teeth. The best part is that flossing isn’t difficult.

Another useful thing you can do to relieve your toothache is to eat something that will help to numb the area. Foods that contain a lot of sugar can actually cause your teeth to hurt, so avoid these types of foods at night.

Sleeping with your head elevated can also help to relieve your teeth. The reason for this is that when you lie down, the blood in your mouth rushes to your head, exerting more pressure on the teeth. When you elevate your head, you reduce the blood flow to your teeth, which will help relieve the pain.

Another thing to try out is a numbing mouthwash. Some mouthwashes contain alcohol, which can help to disinfect your mouth. Another good one is a mouthwash with salt and water. This will help kill harmful bacteria, which will reduce the chance of infection.

A cold compress is also a good way to reduce the pain. A cold compress works by constricting the blood vessels, which in turn, reduces the inflammation. You should apply it to the area in front of your ear, which will also help to numb the pain. You should apply it for around fifteen minutes, or more. You should also keep a towel around the area.

Using the right brush is also helpful. Brushing your teeth before you go to sleep will help to remove food particles that may be stuck between your teeth. You can also use a special brush designed for nighttime use. The brush will help to prevent a build-up of food particles in your mouth, which may be the cause of the tooth pain.

Sleeping with a pillow under your head can also help to alleviate the pain of your teeth. This is especially useful if you have a clenching jaw, which is known as bruxism. You may be surprised at how much discomfort clenching your jaw can cause.

The best way to find out the cause of your nighttime teeth pain is to seek help from a dentist. Your dentist will be able to determine the cause of your pain and recommend the best treatment option for you. You may be able to use some of the tips here to relieve your pain, but it is always best to call your dentist. This way, they can treat your tooth pain as quickly as possible.

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