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Why Do I Get UTIs on My Period?

Why Do I Get UTIs on My Period? Getting a urinary tract infection (UTI) can cause a lot of pain, and it may also make your period go by late. Although there is no direct correlation between UTIs and periods, certain conditions and circumstances can cause you to develop one of these infections. There are some things you can do to prevent UTIs and keep your period on track. If you are experiencing UTI symptoms, visit your doctor as soon as possible.

UTIs are one of the most common problems women face. In fact, one in two women will develop one at some point in her life. The bacteria that cause UTIs can easily get past your body’s natural defences and cause infection. The most common types of UTIs are caused by E.coli, which is found in feces and the skin around the vagina. The bacteria can multiply and cause a painful and potentially deadly infection. If you have a UTI, it may be necessary to take antibiotics.

Although you may think that UTIs can occur at any time, they tend to happen during women’s periods. Women have a shorter urethra than men, which makes it easy for bacteria to travel up the urethra and into the bladder. If you have a UTI, you may experience pelvic pain, a burning sensation when urinating, and cloudy urine. A urinary tract infection may also cause you to experience a strong odor when urinating. You may also experience a sudden urge to urinate.

The chances of getting a UTI during your period are higher if you are sexually active, have a lower estrogen level, or have a low immune system. Your body’s natural defenses are also suppressed during this time of the month, making it more difficult for your body to fight off infection. The best way to keep your urethra healthy is to change your pads and tampons frequently, and to use absorbent feminine care products. Using tampons that are left in for more than four hours may actually promote bacterial growth.

Other factors that can affect the timing of your period include extreme weight gain, chronic stress, and hormonal birth control. Stress may delay your period or cause you to skip it entirely. If you have a chronic illness or condition, it may also cause your body to have a weakened immune system. If you are experiencing a lot of stress, you may need to consult your doctor or a counselor for advice on how to cope.

Using tampons while on your period can cause a lot of irritation and can also increase your risk of developing a UTI. When you do get a UTI, be sure to use absorbent feminine care products, such as sanitary pads. If you have a UTI, change your pads every two hours or whenever you experience odor.

Other things you can do to prevent UTIs include changing your sanitary napkins frequently and wearing absorbent pads at all times. You can also consider drinking unsweetened cranberry juice, which is known to reduce the risk of UTIs.

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