Why Do I Always Get UTIs on My Period?


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By Kendra Blackman

Having a UTI while on your period is not uncommon. The fact is that there are many factors that can influence the frequency of a UTI. While most women will experience one or more UTIs in their lifetime, it is important to know what can be done to prevent them.

There are a few simple steps that can be taken to prevent a UTI. These include keeping your tampons clean, changing them regularly, and using absorbent feminine care products that do not contain fragrances, dyes, or parabens. Using a menstrual cup is also a good option. This product does not contain a large amount of bacteria, which can help prevent a UTI.

Another step that you can take is to drink more water. The water will help flush out bacteria and also keep you hydrated. Drinking cranberry juice may also help ease symptoms of a UTI. A small dose of antibiotics may be prescribed by your healthcare provider.

One of the most common causes of UTIs is sex. It is not uncommon for women to have more sex during their period, and this can result in an irritated bladder. Alcohol can also be a cause of an irritated bladder, as can caffeine and chocolate.

Another way to prevent a UTI is to make sure you are wearing the right clothing. Tight clothing can prevent you from getting enough air in and out of your vagina. Also, be sure to wear absorbent pads, which can help you avoid bacterial growth. You can also wear a menstrual cup to help with a UTI.

While a UTI will not directly delay your period, it can cause your period to be a bit more irregular. Some women may experience an irregular menstrual cycle, as well as a late period, as a result of stress or other conditions. If you feel that you are experiencing a period problem, it is important to visit your doctor to determine what is causing your menstrual problems. You may also want to try hormone therapy, as this can help you fight off UTIs.

The best way to avoid a UTI is to maintain good hygiene. This includes using absorbent feminine care products and changing your tampons and pads frequently. It also means keeping your body clean by washing your hands regularly and drinking plenty of water.

In addition to good hygiene, you should also try to avoid bubble baths. These can be an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. You should also avoid using alcohol and caffeine, two common causes of bladder irritability.

Finally, it is important to understand the difference between a UTI and a cold. A UTI is a bacterial infection, while a cold is a viral infection. A cold usually affects the respiratory system, whereas a UTI typically affects the urinary tract. A cold can cause a variety of symptoms, including fever and chills, but it does not normally affect your bladder or urethra.

One of the most common symptoms of a UTI is the presence of blood in the urine. This can be an indication of an underlying pelvic floor weakness, which can be treated with a pelvic floor therapist or an app.

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