What to Do For Neck Pain


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By James Foote

What to Do For Neck Pain? Whether it’s a muscle spasm, inflammation or other problem, there are several treatments to consider. These treatments can help ease the pain and teach you how to prevent it from coming back.

Massages can be helpful in relieving muscle tension and soothing the muscles around the spine. Acupuncture can also help in relieving neck pain. The technique involves inserting fine needles into specific points in the body. These points are determined by traditional Chinese maps of the body’s energy flow.

Pain relievers such as ibuprofen and aspirin can also be used to reduce neck pain. However, these drugs may cause side effects. If you experience severe pain, it’s best to speak to your doctor. Your doctor may also prescribe muscle relaxants or a steroid shot. If these treatments are not effective, your doctor may recommend surgery.

A cold pack or ice wrapped in a dry cloth can also help reduce inflammation. Do not fall asleep while applying heat or ice, as this can cause further problems. It’s also important to use a supportive pillow to rest your neck.

Neck pain is a common condition, but it can also be a warning sign of serious health conditions. If you are experiencing neck pain with weakness, tingling or numbness, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor may also order a blood test, an x-ray or an EMG. He or she may also recommend a spinal injection or an MRI scan to identify the source of your pain.

There are many causes of neck pain, including muscle strains, arthritis, disc degeneration, and even trauma. Some people also experience pain due to pinched nerves. Luckily, most neck problems are easy to diagnose. However, if the pain is persistent, your doctor may prescribe a non-prescription medication to help ease your symptoms. You may also want to consider physical therapy. Physical therapy may include a series of strengthening exercises that are designed to help you gain control of your neck. You may also want to seek the services of a chiropractor to help relieve your pain.

If your neck pain is severe, you may need to undergo surgery or steroid injections. If your pain persists, you may want to consider a non-prescription medication, such as acetaminophen or naproxen sodium. However, these drugs may cause side effects, and they may not be as effective as the more traditional treatments.

Another treatment for neck pain is a gentle stretching program. This can help relieve muscle tension, ease pain, and restore your neck’s range of motion. Ideally, you should spend about three minutes stretching your neck every day. You should also avoid standing in one position for too long. You may also want to try sleeping on your side, as this will position your head properly.

Other treatments include physical therapy and over-the-counter pain relievers. These medications can be used to treat mild to moderate pain. However, they may have side effects, and there may be drug interactions.

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