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What Is a Facelift?

What Is a Facelift? During facelift surgery, surgeons remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the face and neck, while redistributing the underlying muscle and connective tissues to create a more youthful appearance. This procedure is often done under general anesthesia. However, it can be performed on an outpatient basis, as well.

Before the procedure, patients undergo a presurgical evaluation to make sure they are healthy and do not have any medical conditions. Patients should also talk with their board certified plastic surgeon about what they should expect during the surgery. They should also ask about the surgeon’s training, and whether or not he or she has performed the procedure before. They should also have blood work done to make sure they are healthy.

Patients can expect to have bruising and discomfort for the first several days after surgery. The doctor may prescribe pain medication or other medications to help relieve the pain. They should also elevate their head to help reduce swelling and discomfort. Patients should also drink lots of water to help promote healing. Some facelift patients may also have a surgical drainage tube placed in their nose or sinuses to help prevent infection. They should also wear a compression garment to help keep the swelling down.

Some people can see a difference immediately after the procedure, but most do not experience visible changes until a few months after surgery. They may need to see their doctor again after a month to have stitches removed. They should also avoid certain activities, such as exercise, for the first four weeks. Some patients may need to adjust the dosage of their medications. They should also wear sunscreen and protect their skin from the sun.

Patients should also avoid eating after midnight. Some people experience nausea or vomiting. They should also ask their doctor when they can resume their normal activities. They may need to take antibiotics to prevent infection.

If a hematoma develops during surgery, patients may experience a painful swelling. A hematoma is a collection of blood in the skin outside of a blood vessel. It usually presents within 12 to 24 hours after surgery with pain and swelling in the face. Small hematomas can be treated with suction and pressure dressing, while more serious hematomas may require additional surgery.

If you are interested in a facelift, it is best to talk with a board certified plastic surgeon. You should also talk with friends and family who have had the procedure and ask them about their experience. The more information you have, the better you can make a decision.

During a facelift procedure, the surgeon will lift up the facial muscles and fatty tissues to remove excess skin and tighten the underlying tissue. This procedure is typically performed on patients aged 40 and above, but it may be done on younger patients as well. There are two main techniques used to perform a facelift: SMAS plication and skin-only facelift. SMAS plication is a more advanced technique that involves removal of some skin and subcutaneous fat. The results are longer-lasting than skin-only facelifts.

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