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How to Treat a UTI While on Period

Having a UTI while on your period may be uncomfortable, but you can help prevent it with good hygiene and the proper treatment. Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common health problem that occurs when bacteria contaminate the urinary tract. It is dangerous if left untreated, as it can cause serious complications.

The urethra, the bladder, and the ureters all make up the urinary tract. If you have a UTI, you may experience a sudden urge to urinate, cloudy urine, or a burning sensation when you urinate. If you are unsure whether you have a UTI, your doctor may take a urine sample or perform an exam.

You should seek medical treatment as soon as you notice symptoms. If you don’t see any improvement within a few days, you should call your doctor for an appointment. Your doctor can determine whether or not you have a UTI, and then give you treatment options that will help you feel better. You may need antibiotics to treat your UTI, or you may be advised to take over-the-counter medicines or pain relievers to help ease symptoms.

It is best to avoid drinking caffeine, alcohol, and sugar. These substances can irritate your bladder and cause more bacterial growth. You should also make sure to drink at least six to eight cups of water daily. Taking this much water will help hydrate your urine and flush out bacteria faster.

You should also change your pads and tampons frequently. Unchanged tampons and pads are a breeding ground for bacteria, and you increase your chances of having a UTI if you continue to use them. To avoid UTI, be sure to change your pads and tampons as soon as they get soaked.

During menstruation, the immune system is naturally suppressed. During this period, the vaginal wall is less moist, which can make you more susceptible to UTIs. Also, the estrogen in your body is low, which can cause vaginal dryness and irritation.

In addition to drinking enough water, you should avoid substances like caffeine and alcohol. These substances can feed the bacteria that cause UTIs, and they can also irritate your bladder. Using a reusable pad can help you avoid these complications, as well.

Be sure to use feminine care products that are chemical-free, and that are soft and breathable. These types of products will also trap more moisture than underwear, which can help prevent UTIs. You should also use a tampon that is free of parabens. Tampons should be changed at least once every four to six hours. You can also buy feminine care products that have nice scents.

If you have a UTI, you should avoid sexual activity. The stress and irritation of sexual activity can make your symptoms worse. If you experience pain, urge to urinate, or fever, contact your doctor immediately. This can help you determine whether you have a UTI, or another sexually transmitted infection, and get proper treatment. Getting treatment for a UTI will help you feel better and get back to your regular activities.

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