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How Long Does A Urinary Tract Infection Last

How long does a Urinary tract Infection Last? Symptoms of a urinary tract infection can last from a couple of days to months, depending on the severity of the infection. Symptoms of a urinary tract infections can include frequent urination, burning when peeing, and pain in the lower belly. These symptoms can also interfere with your everyday activities. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should visit your doctor to ensure that you are not suffering from a serious infection. You may also want to consider making changes to your lifestyle to avoid reoccurring infections.

Urinary tract infections can spread to other parts of the body, including the kidneys. This can lead to complications and even kidney failure. Your health care provider may order blood tests or a kidney scan to diagnose your infection. They may also prescribe antibiotics to treat your symptoms. You may also have to wait for the antibiotics to work. It’s important to take all of the antibiotics prescribed by your health care provider, as they are necessary to treat the infection.

If you’re not sure what type of urinary tract infection you have, your healthcare provider may suggest that you take a urine test. They will check for bacteria, white blood cells, red blood cells, and chemicals in your urine. They will also look for signs that the infection may have spread to other parts of the body. They will also check to see if you have a fever, which can indicate that you have a urinary tract infection.

Some of the symptoms of a urinary tract infection can be embarrassing, and you might be wondering how long does a urinary tract infection last. You’ll want to take care of the infection as quickly as possible, so it can be treated and you can get back to your normal routine. Your health care provider may also prescribe over-the-counter pain relievers to help you manage the discomfort. The pain relievers can help speed up the healing process. You’ll also want to drink plenty of fluids and avoid sexual activity to reduce the amount of discomfort you feel.

While most urinary tract infections are not very serious, they can cause serious complications. If you don’t get them treated quickly, they can spread to your kidneys, which can lead to kidney damage, scarring, and even organ failure. You may also develop a Candida infection, which can be dangerous to your health.

You should always see your health care provider if you experience any of the symptoms of a urinary tract infections, as they can be very uncomfortable and can interfere with your daily life. If your symptoms do not improve after a couple of days, it’s important to get medical help. You can also try home remedies to help you get better and encourage the infection to go away on its own. You should also drink plenty of fluids to help dilute the urine and flush out any harmful bacteria.

Your healthcare provider may also recommend that you see a urologist for further evaluation. If your symptoms do not improve, you may need a longer course of antibiotics, depending on the severity of your infection. If you have a very severe case of a urinary tract infection, you may be admitted to the hospital.

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