Does Getting Teeth Pulled Hurt?

Health & Medical

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By James Foote

Does Getting Teeth Pulled Hurt is a painful process that can be uncomfortable for some people. However, this pain can be controlled by taking prescribed pain medications. You can also use ice packs or cold compresses to reduce swelling. The pain should be relieved within a few days. Depending on the type of extraction you have, you may need to follow special aftercare procedures to keep your mouth healthy.

During a tooth extraction, your dentist will first numb the area where the tooth will be removed. This may be done by injecting a numbing agent into the tooth, or using a gauze pad over the area. When the numbing agent wears off, the pain should reduce.

Next, the dentist will begin the procedure by making an incision in the gum to loosen the tooth. He or she will then use forceps to pull the tooth out of the gums. The dentist will also take care to clean the area. He or she may also place stitches to close the incision. You may also be given antibiotics to treat an infection that has developed after the procedure.

Once the tooth is pulled, the dentist will place a gauze pad over the area to stop the bleeding. The dentist may also administer more local anesthetic to reduce the discomfort. The patient should keep the gauze pad in place for at least three to four hours. After this time, the gauze pad can be removed. It is important to drink plenty of water to keep the area hydrated. You should also avoid caffeinated beverages, alcoholic beverages, and carbonated drinks. Taking over the counter pain medications can also help manage the pain.

The dentist may administer additional numbing agents to reduce pain, if necessary. If the patient feels any pain, he or she should call the office for further instructions. You should also not drive after the procedure. The dentist will set a “It hurts” signal for you to use when you feel pain.

After the procedure, you may have a dry socket. A dry socket occurs when the blood clot in the tooth socket dislodges. This can be due to smoking, neglecting oral hygiene, or gum disease. The blood clot is important in the healing process. The blood clot should dissolve over a period of seven to ten days. The dentist may apply a medicated gel to the extraction site to prevent the formation of another dry socket.

Depending on the complexity of the tooth extraction, your dentist may use sedation to ease the pain. There are two main types of sedation: moderate sedation and IV sedation. Moderate sedation suppresses your consciousness, while IV sedation gives you a deeper level of sedation.

You may also experience stiffness in your jaw and discomfort in the area. Some patients find it helpful to rinse their mouth with salt water or to take a warm compress. It is also important to avoid chewing on the extraction site for at least the first day.

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