Kendra Blackman

Neck Pain - What Causes Neck Pain?

Neck Pain – What Causes Neck Pain?


Almost 1 in 2 people suffer from neck pain at some point in their lives. Neck pain can be caused by injury or disease. Some of the most common causes are strains and muscle spasms. Depending on the type of pain you are experiencing, you ...

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What Not to Do After Lip Fillers

What Not to Do After Lip Fillers


Whether you are getting lip fillers or a different cosmetic procedure, there are some things you should not do for at least 24 hours after the procedure. These rules can help you to get the best possible results. For instance, you should avoid taking blood-thinning ...

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Why Do My Bottom Teeth Hurt?

Why Do My Bottom Teeth Hurt?


Having bottom teeth that hurt can be a debilitating experience. However, there are many possible causes of tooth pain, from cavities to gum disease. Understanding the symptoms and treatments for these dental issues can help to relieve your discomfort and prevent the possibility of a ...

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How to Sleep With Neck Pain

How to Sleep With Neck Pain


f pain you experience. Sleeping with your neck in an awkward position can worsen the pain and lead to torticollis. However, sleeping in a different position can help you to reduce the amount of pain you experience. Sleeping on your side is the ideal sleeping ...

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How Much Does a Mini Facelift Cost?

How Much Does a Mini Facelift Cost?


Unlike the full facelift, which requires a stay in the hospital, the mini facelift is a less invasive option. The procedure targets the jawline, mid-face and lower face. Oftentimes, it can also address sagging skin under the chin. In addition, fillers can be used to ...

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Why Do My Teeth Hurt at Night?

Why Do My Teeth Hurt at Night?


Having a toothache can be frustrating. It can keep you up at night, make you toss and turn, and make you feel miserable. However, there are some things you can do to help relieve the pain and reduce the number of times you experience a ...

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How Long Does a Mini Facelift Last?

How Long Does a Mini Facelift Last?


Having a mini facelift can be a great option for those who want to look younger without having to invest a lot of time or money. But, like other cosmetic procedures, the results will not last forever. The skin will continue to age, and you ...

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