How to Prevent Urinary Tract Infection During the Summer

Health & Medical

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By James Foote

Whether you are a child or an adult, knowing how to prevent urinary tract infection is a smart move. The risk for a UTI increases in the summer, so be prepared. Also, you may have a higher risk if you are dehydrated or have neurological problems. It is also a good idea to drink plenty of water during the summer.

You also need to maintain a healthy bathroom routine. Wiping from front to back after urinating can help prevent the spread of bacteria from the urethra to the anal area. Also, you should avoid wearing loose fitting underwear and perfumed soaps. These can also irritate the bladder.

Women need to be especially careful to urinate regularly. They should never hold their bladder for too long. Not emptying the bladder allows the bacteria to multiply and grow into an infection. This is especially true during sex.

The most common bacteria that cause UTIs are E. coli. The urethra is short and makes it easier for bacteria to enter the urinary tract. A woman should also empty her bladder before and after sex.

If you have a urinary tract infection, contact your health care provider right away. Your health care provider will collect a urine sample and will determine if your infection is severe. If your urine tests positive for bacteria, your health care provider will prescribe antibiotics.

Adding probiotics to your diet can also prevent UTIs. Probiotics are good bacteria that help maintain a healthy gut. Some foods that contain probiotics are cranberries, citrus fruits, and yogurt.

Aside from consuming probiotics, drinking plenty of water can help keep your bladder hydrated. Water can encourage urination and dilute the urine, helping to flush out bacteria. It is best to drink at least two liters of water a day.

Aside from water, you can also drink probiotic-rich foods. These include cranberries, blueberries, and Greek yogurt. These foods contain proanthocyanidins, which are thought to help prevent E. coli from sticking to the tissues in the urinary tract.

If you need to take antibiotics, be sure to take them in the correct dosage. If you take antibiotics for longer than a week, you may develop antibiotic resistance. This means the infection will be harder to treat. You should also avoid taking antibiotics when you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking a medication that contains antibiotics.

Another way to prevent a urinary tract infection is to eat foods rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C can help prevent the growth of bacteria, so eat foods such as leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, and cranberries. It is also a good idea to take 500 to 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C daily. It has also been suggested that taking cranberry juice regularly can increase the acidity of your urine.

During sex, it is also a good idea to urinate frequently. The longer you hold your urine, the more bacteria you will have in your bladder. Also, it is best to wear cotton underwear, as these are the most comfortable. Aside from being a good choice for urination, cotton underpants also allow air to circulate down to the lower urinary tract.

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