How Does a Facelift Work?


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By Kendra Blackman

Among the many surgical procedures available, a facelift can provide an effective way to get rid of sagging skin and jowls. It’s important to understand the procedure and the results before deciding on a facelift, so you can decide on the best option for you.

A facelift is an operation that rejuvenates a face by removing excess skin and fatty tissue. It can correct deep creases, jowls and folds on the face and neck. It can also improve the jawline and give you a younger look. However, you should be aware that there are risks involved in the procedure, including bruising, pain, infection and prolonged swelling. If you are considering a facelift, it is best to speak with an experienced facial plastic surgeon.

During the procedure, the surgeon will make an incision along the hairline. The incision is made to blend the hairline and facial structure, and the surgeon will also draw a guideline in front of the ear and behind the earlobe. The patient will be given anesthesia during the procedure. This sedative is administered through an intravenous line. The patient may also experience numbness and mild to moderate pain. During the first few days, the patient should rest to avoid swelling and bruising.

During recovery, the patient will be given pain medication and will also have surgical drainage tubes to minimize swelling. The patient may also have bandages wrapped around their face. They should be under the care of a friend or relative for the first 24 hours. The patient should also wear a head wrap for the next two to three days.

While recovery will vary from patient to patient, most facelift patients are able to return to work within two to five days. However, if the patient is working a more physically demanding job, they may need to stay away from their work for two weeks or more. However, the patient can resume light exercise after they’ve recovered from the procedure.

The surgeon will provide the patient with specific post-operative instructions. These instructions will include instructions for dietary restrictions and medications that the patient may need to avoid during recovery. The patient may also receive instructions for transitioning to over-the-counter medications.

It is important to follow the surgeon’s instructions to ensure a smoother operation. The patient’s doctor will also ensure that the patient is realistic about the results of the procedure. A facelift is a major operation, and results take time to appear. However, you will be able to see a noticeable improvement in the face within a few months.

You may be able to reduce the amount of swelling and bruising during recovery by sleeping with your head elevated. You should also take steps to avoid smoking and drinking. Smoking can affect the body’s ability to heal, and consuming alcohol can decrease the amount of oxygen that is available to the skin.

During recovery, the patient will experience mild to moderate swelling and bruising. It is important to rest for the first few days, as this will reduce the amount of facial swelling. The patient may also have to take prescription pain medication for the first week.

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