How Long After Lip Fillers Can You Kiss?

Lip Surgery

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By Kendra Blackman

During your first few days after a lip filler treatment, you’ll experience some swelling, pain and discomfort. But it’s a normal occurrence, and your lips will soon be back to normal. Your doctor will have given you instructions on how to best care for your lips, so follow the advice to get the most out of your treatment.

While it’s tempting to try your hand at kissing right away, the best way to do it is to wait a few days. This is because your lips may be tender and swollen from the procedure, so you don’t want to push them too hard or you might cause the filler to deflate.

To be honest, most doctors recommend that you avoid kissing for at least a few days after the procedure. While it’s true that kissing is a nice way to boost your confidence, you don’t want to make the process worse. You also don’t want to put undue pressure on your new lips, which may cause them to swell and become lumpy. You might also risk bruising. If you do decide to kiss your partner, keep the volume down and keep the pressure light.

You might also want to keep your lips clean and dry. If you sweat a lot, this may irritate your lips. You can also apply an ice pack to soothe any swelling or pain. You should also avoid smoking for at least 24 hours after your treatment. This will help prevent a potential rash or infection from developing. You’ll also want to avoid applying too much make-up to your lips. Using make-up will make it harder for your lips to breathe.

You’ll also want to be careful about applying lipstick or lip gloss to your new lips. Some makeup artists use deeper techniques that can cause irritation, so you may want to avoid touching them. In addition, you might want to avoid drinking from a straw, as this can cause your lips to pucker. You’ll also want to avoid drinking alcohol for the same reason. Alcohol can act as a blood thinner and dehydrate you, which can increase the risk of bruising and inflammation.

In addition to the standard advice, you’ll also want to make sure that you’re getting enough rest. Keeping your lips hydrated and comfortable is crucial to minimizing side effects. You might also want to keep an extra pillow on hand for when you’re asleep at night. This will help keep your filler in place and keep it from deflating during your sleep.

You may want to consider taking your make-up off after your treatment. This is a simple step that will help prevent infection and keep you feeling your best. Taking your make-up off also helps prevent your lips from moving around, which can make them look unnatural. After the treatment, you might also want to avoid eating for a day or two, so your lips don’t start to swell. This will also help avoid an accidental lip bite.

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