Why Do My Teeth Hurt When I Bite Down?


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By Kendra Blackman

Having tooth pain when you bite down may not seem like a big deal, but it can be a warning sign of a more serious dental problem. When you bite down on something hard, the tooth enamel is weakened and worn away. The result is a painful sensitivity to hot or cold foods. If the pain persists, you should see a dentist.

A dental abscess is an infection that causes pain when you bite down. It’s caused by bacteria, which can spread to the pulp of the tooth and to the surrounding tissue and bone. If left untreated, this infection can become fatal. The pain associated with a dental abscess is intense.

There are many reasons why you may have pain when you bite down. One of the most obvious is a cracked tooth. Cracks are caused by trauma or a disease of the gums. Symptoms include gum swelling and bleeding. You may also have a loose filling. The tooth may also be damaged by bacteria, which can lead to a deeper cavity.

A sinus infection is another culprit. Sinuses are located near the root of the teeth. The nerves and sinuses can be irritated when you bite down. The pain from a sinus infection may not be tooth-related, but it can still be debilitating. If you’re experiencing a sinus-related toothache, see a dentist to get a diagnosis.

A broken tooth can also cause tooth pain when you bite down. Cracks allow bacteria to get into the tooth and infect the pulp. A dentist may be able to treat this with a root canal. If you’re experiencing this type of pain, the dentist can also check to see if you have a sinus infection. A cracked tooth may also be caused by gum recession, which occurs when the gum tissue around the tooth wears away. This is not a common cause of tooth pain.

Brushing your teeth regularly can help prevent tooth decay. It can also prevent you from developing a dental abscess. A good oral care routine should include brushing twice a day, flossing at least once a day, and cleaning between your teeth daily. You should also avoid eating hard foods and drinks that can harm your teeth.

It may seem a bit counterintuitive, but teeth may hurt when you bite down because the nerves are exposed. If this is the case, you can use an ibuprofen to treat the pain. However, if the pain is intense, you should see a dentist immediately. You can also try a mouth guard to help you save your teeth.

You may also experience tooth pain when you bite down because of an infection in the temporomandibular joint, which connects the jaw and skull. TMJ disorders may cause pain in the jaw and around the face. However, the most common cause of this problem is arthritis. You may have this condition if you have a previous injury that prevented the TMJ from functioning properly.

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