Why Do My Teeth Hurt When I Eat Sweets?


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By Kendra Blackman

Having a toothache is never a pleasant experience. Not only is it annoying, but it can be a sign of a more serious problem. Oftentimes, the pain is caused by a cavity, gum disease or tooth decay. However, there are a few things you can do to prevent the pain from becoming worse.

One of the first things you should do if you have a toothache is to brush your teeth. This will help eliminate any bacteria that may be causing the pain. A good brushing routine will also help to remove plaque from your teeth. You should also floss after each meal. You should also try to avoid sweets, as these can increase your chances of having a toothache.

You may also experience a pain in your teeth when you consume foods that are cold, hot or acidic. Those with sensitive teeth are particularly vulnerable to these types of food. These foods can cause damage to the tooth enamel, which can lead to tooth sensitivity. You should also try to drink through a straw, as this will help to protect your teeth from the acids in sugary drinks.

Another thing you should do if you have a teeth pain after eating sweets is to visit your dentist. Your dentist will be able to determine the cause of your tooth pain and recommend a treatment plan. You should also brush your teeth at least twice a day and use fluoride toothpaste.

If you suffer from tooth sensitivity, you should also learn about the many other things you can do to make your teeth feel better. For example, you may want to consider dental bonding, which can help you to eat cold foods without pain. This process will also give you a natural looking, teeth-like coating on your teeth.

The most important thing to do when you have a toothache is to seek out a professional who can determine the cause of your pain. It may be due to a tooth decay, gum disease, or even a sinus infection. These problems can be very painful and you will want to get them checked out as soon as possible to prevent them from getting worse. You should also make sure that you avoid foods that cause pain and keep your toothbrush in your desk drawer, so you can easily brush your teeth when you are on the go.

Another thing you may want to consider is the use of a toothpaste meant for sensitive teeth. This is an especially good idea if you suffer from sensitivity. It will help to keep your teeth clean, and will also help to decrease the severity of your sensitivity.

You may also want to consider eating cheese, as this is a good source of vitamin B12. It also contains calcium, which helps to keep your teeth strong. Cheese has lactic acid which helps to remove plaque from your teeth. The calcium and lactic acid also help to remineralize your teeth, as well as help to remove bacteria from your teeth.

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