Why Do My Back Teeth Hurt?


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By Kendra Blackman

Whether you have a sudden toothache or are experiencing pain from inside your teeth, it can be a painful experience. The main causes of tooth pain are decay, sensitivity, and gum recession. It can also be caused by a bacterial infection. If you are experiencing discomfort from inside your teeth, it’s important to visit a dentist to get the proper diagnosis. The dentist will be able to treat your pain and prevent it from becoming worse.

In the beginning, it may be difficult to identify the cause of your tooth pain. However, you should know that the symptoms of dental pain are different from those of other ailments. The root of the problem can vary from mild to severe. If you’re experiencing a sudden toothache, it’s important to visit your dentist as soon as possible. There are also OTC pain relievers that can help you relieve the pain. Depending on the severity of the pain, you may need to take stronger pain relievers from your dentist.

In most cases, dental pain originates from the inside of your teeth. Your mouth is full of sensitive nerves, and pain is your body’s way of alerting you that something is wrong. Pain from inside your teeth is often triggered by pressure, clenching, or a toothache.

Several types of tooth pain can be caused by a bacterial infection. The infection can be caused by an injury, such as a broken tooth, or it can be caused by bacteria buildup in your mouth. When a tooth is damaged, it can develop an abscess, a bacterial pocket that forms under the nerve. If left untreated, this abscess can lead to a more serious problem, such as nerve death. The abscess may enter the bloodstream and become a life-threatening infection. Typically, a root canal is needed to treat this problem.

Another common cause of dental pain is sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages. A sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages can cause a momentary burst of pain, or it can fluctuate in intensity. Having a toothache can also be caused by malocclusion, which is when your teeth don’t fit together properly. This can result in pressure on the mouth, or jaw misalignment, which can cause headaches and other problems.

A tooth can also become sensitive to acid from food and drink. Acidic foods and drinks can erode the enamel of your teeth, and lead to tooth decay. If you experience pain when you eat or drink acidic foods or beverages, it’s important to talk to your dentist about the problem. You may be able to remineralize your teeth by changing your diet.

It’s also important to maintain good oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth and gums twice a day will help to prevent bacterial plaque from developing and wearing down your teeth and gums. Your dentist can also monitor your oral health by taking X-rays of your mouth to see if there are any signs of a problem.

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